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Acta CND

non destructive testing

Rolling mill roll testing

ACTA CND, an ISO 9001 certified Company, has been for over 40 years your choice partner for eddy current and combined eddy current + ultrasonics industrial testing.

To reach these heights more than 40 years of experience, research and development were needed, combined with our team high flexibility,

Today, by its adaptability and its range of high tech equipment, ACTA is your # 1 partner to help you reach the highest quality standards.

We are specialized, - but not limited to - these industrial applications :

  • Eddy current testing of all metallic products such as tubes, bars, wires, profiles, on or off production line.
  • Eddy current testing of blanks on cutting or forming machines (ball pen tips, bolts...)
  • Eddy current testing of rolling mill rolls.
  • Eddy current and ultrasonic testing of rolling mill rolls.
  • Thermal treatment testing .
Tube / bar / wire... testing

Our references are worldwide known Companies :

Wire, bar and tube testing
› Bic world
› Vallourec&Mannesmann tubes
› Tubeurop
› Sermeta
› Simeti Eses
› Manoir Petrochem
› Arcelor Mittal Group
› Noksel
› Yücel Borü
› Swissmetal
› Tubes et profils
› Réaction Pipes
Rolling mill roll testing
› Arcelor mittal group
› Arcelor packaging
› Novelis group
› Essar steel group
› Uttam steel Ltd
› Thaïnox Stainless
› National Steel
› U.S Steel Canada
› LTV Steel


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